ボクシング シューズ倶楽部の部屋
気になるボクシング シューズのお買い得情報をお届けします。
MIZUNO BOXING SHOES オリジナルシューズバッグ付アメリカ屋オリジナルカラー(白x黒x黒ライン)ミズノ折り返しタイプボクシングシューズ
●折返しベロ黒x本体白xランバードラインエナメルブラックxふちゴールドまたはパールホワイト リングシューズ ●折り返しのランバードラベルは人気のあるゴールドのワッペン ●サイズ:23.0cm〜29.0cm ●高さ:約19cm(ショート) ●本体:合成繊維 ●補強:エクセーヌ(人工皮革) ●底材:アウトソール ゴム ミッドソール 合成樹脂 ●質量:約245g ●日本製 MIZUNO BOXING SHOES ★
●Payment by Credit Card / PAYPAL only ●Actual shipping cost(by EMS service by Japan Post / DHL express) is required additionally. Total amount with breakdown will be notied for your confirmation before proceeding. ★
1) Size description is in Centi-Meter provided by the manufacturer MIZUNO. 2) In case you need to change size after your receipt of the shoes, we have to ask you for all shipping cost for exchange. Also we may have to ask you to wait for 4 - 5 weeks to be prepared, if size required will not be in stock. ●Material: Main body synthetic fiber mesh ●Bottom materials: Rubber ●Weight : About 260g each ●Made in Japan ●Distributor : AMERICA-YA CO. authorized by Mizuno since 1946 ★
CONTACT / PAYPAL : americaya@h7.dion.ne.jp以前はサイズ交換に対応していましたが商品が希少で管理も難しいので 交換はご遠慮いただいております。
●Payment by Credit Card / PAYPAL only ●Actual shipping cost(by EMS service by Japan Post / DHL express) is required additionally. Total amount with breakdown will be notied for your confirmation before proceeding. ★
1) Size description is in Centi-Meter provided by the manufacturer MIZUNO. 2) In case you need to change size after your receipt of the shoes, we have to ask you for all shipping cost for exchange. Also we may have to ask you to wait for 4 - 5 weeks to be prepared, if size required will not be in stock. ●Material: Main body synthetic fiber mesh ●Bottom materials: Rubber ●Weight : About 260g each ●Made in Japan ●Distributor : AMERICA-YA CO. authorized by Mizuno since 1946 ★
CONTACT / PAYPAL : americaya@h7.dion.ne.jp
- 商品価格:32,700円
- レビュー件数:3件
- レビュー平均:5